The Problem of Evil and Suffering

The Problem of Evil and Suffering

Section 1 The logical problem: David Hume, J L Mackie, The inconsistent triad, Stephen Fry, William Lane Craig.Section 2 The relationship between the nature of God and the logical problem of evil. The Augustinian Theodicy and the nature of God. Evil a...
Religious Language Classical

Religious Language Classical

Section 1. Via Negativa, kataphatic vs apophatic, MaimonidesSection 2. Aquinas, Analogy of proportion, Analogy of Attribution.Section 3. Symbol, Paul Tillich, Barth, Bultman. Guest lecture. Julie Arliss Religious language introduction. Approx 12 hours of guided...
Religious Language 20th Century

Religious Language 20th Century

Section 1. Verification principle, Hume’s fork, Language and meaning, A J Ayer.Section 2. Language Games. Wittgenstein and his followers.Section 3. Falsificationism, Karl Popper, The Parable of the invisible gardener, Anthony Flew, the Oxford Debate.Section 4. Bliks....
Religious Experience

Religious Experience

Unit includes: Individual experiences, Reliability questions, Corporeal Experiences, Visions, Rudolph Otto and the Numinous, Mysticism, William James, Group experiences, The day of Pentecost, The Toronto Blessing, Medjugorje, Fatima.Challenges to Religious...


Different understanding of ‘miracle’Realist and anti-realist viewsViolation of natural law or natural eventDavid Hume and Maurice Wiles Guest speaker Dr Andrew Pinsent, University of Oxford – Miracles and God’s Action in the World. Approx 15 hours of guided...