Meta Ethics

Meta Ethics

Naturalism. Absolutism, relativism, Vienna circle Hume’s law, Thought experiments: The fat man in the cave, Ring of Gyges. The Naturalistic fallacy. In support of naturalism: Pope Benedict XVI, FHBradley, Philippa Foot, Peter Kropotkin. Challenges against naturalism:...
Freewill and Moral Responsibility

Freewill and Moral Responsibility

Unit includes: The Case for Determinism, The Case for Freewill, The case for CompatibilismThe case for incompatibilism, Boethius’ dilemma, Lady Philosophy’s response, Calvin and Predestination, St Augustine and Predestination. Approx. 10 hours of guided learning...
Divine Command Theory

Divine Command Theory

Guest lectureProfessor Keith Ward, University of OxfordMeta ethics and Divine Command Approx 4 hours of guided learning, part completed, Under Construction.


Section 1. Classical religious approach, Augustine, St Paul, Aquinas’ approach. Ratio, synderesis, conscientia, vincible and invincible ignorance. Joseph Butler, Sir John Henry Newman, Different voices in the RC Church. Examples and case studies: Oscar Schindler,...