War Ethics

War Ethics

The history of just war traditionJus ad bellumJus in belloGeneva convention, proportionality, discrimination, collateral damagePrinciple of double effectNuclear weaponsApplication of ethical theories Approx 15 hours of guided learning, part completed, Under...
Sexual Ethics

Sexual Ethics

Section 1. The Ethics of Sex. Different views on Marriage Divorce and Cohabitation. Premarital and extramarital sex in Christianity. Divergent attitudes. Jordan Peterson. Bettina Arndt; The politics of cleavage. Lisa Smosarski, Tom paine, Lee Gatiss, Diane Abbott,...


Section 1. The nature of life. Sanctity of life. Religious origins. Human rights. Quality of life. Kevin Smith, Jack Kevorkian, Hans Kung, Gregory Pence, John Glover. Personhood. Autonomy. Dignity. Palliative care. Active Euthanasia, Voluntary euthanasia,...
Environmental Ethics

Environmental Ethics

The rise of consumerism, globalisationThe wealth of nations – Adam SmithCircles of interest – examples. Deep ecology, shallow ecologyDifferent approaches: anthropocentric, earth centred, theocentricApplication of ethical theories Guest lecture: Peter Baron....
Capital Punishment

Capital Punishment

Core issuesApplication of ethical theoriesevaluation Approx 15 hours of guided learning, part completed.