by CBoland | Oct 14, 2024
I enjoyed how the speakers were so enthusiastic about their subjects and came up with interactive analogies that people could relate to.
by CBoland | Oct 14, 2024
LOVED IT! It was amazing and really useful. Julie Arliss’ talks linked in with what we’ve been doing, and all the speakers were so interesting!
by CBoland | Oct 14, 2024
I found the conference to be very interesting and enriching – both for the content and philosophy as a whole. It rejuvenated our passion for philosophy and I am so grateful I had the opportunity to attend. Thank you very much!
by CBoland | Oct 14, 2024
I am so glad I got to go to this conference. Speaking to others, we all agreed that it allowed us to see our course in a different and broader context. It was lovely engaging in our subject in a way that goes beyond our textbooks. Listening to speakers who knew about...