
Learning Lab – Course – Ethics Units

Normative Ethics

Kantian Ethics

Kantian Ethics

15 hours
8 videos
3 multiple choice quizzes
1 guest lecture
3 podcasts
lecture notes
original sources

1. Foundations. Key terms. The enlightenment & influences on Kant. Maxims, deontology, duty, summum bonum, motive, categorial and hypothetical imperatives, kingdom of ends, autonomy of ethics.
2. Application. The metaphysics of morals. Universalisation. 3 forms of the Categorical Imperative with Kant’s examples and 6 practical applications, including the Crazy Axeman.
3. Evaluation. James Rachels, Pope John Paul II Louis Pojman. David Hume, Benjamin Constant, Peter Singer, Maria Von Herbert, Bernard Williams

Guest lecture Keith Ward, University of Oxford. Kantian Ethics.

Approx. 15 hours of guided learning with 8 videos, lecture notes, original sources, 3 podcasts, 2 thought experiments, 3 multiple choice quizzes, guest lecture.

Natural Law

Natural Law

15 hours
11 videos
3 multiple choice quizzes
1 guest lecture
2 podcasts
lecture notes
original sources

1. Foundations. Key terms. Aristotle, Eudaimonia, Aquinas, The Four Tiers of Law, Cicero, John Paul II
2. Application to practical issues, with reference to synderesis rule, primary precepts, subtraction, double effect, intention, real and apparent goods. Applied to the preservation of life, euthanasia, reproduction.
3. Evaluation. The is-ought fallacy. Objective purpose. Calvin, Hobbes, Barth, Hume Moore Hans Kung, Kai Nielson, Dawkins, CS Lewis.
Role of the Bible in Natural Law, St Paul, Hugo Grotius, Samuel von Pufendorf,

Guest Speaker Dr Andrew Pinsent University of Oxford. Natural Law and its application in the Roman Catholic Church.

Approx. 15 hours of guided learning with 11 videos, lecture notes, original sources, 2 podcasts, 3 multiple choice quizzes, guest speaker

Situation Ethics

Situation Ethics

15 hours
11 videos
3 multiple choice quizzes
4 thought experiments
2 podcasts
lecture notes
original sources

1. Foundations. Key terms. Fletcher, St Paul, Agape, Conscience, John Robinson
2. Application. 6 propositions. 4 working principles. Fletchers examples. End of life decision making, Hiroshima, sex before marriage, adultery.
3. Evaluation. William James, William Temple, Rudolph Bultmann, Paul Tillich, Karl Barth, Bonhoeffer, Bishop John Robinson, Papal Encyclicals, Barclay, Macquarrie, John Kovach.

Approx. 15 hours of guided learning with 11 videos, lecture notes, original sources, 2 podcasts, 4 thought experiments, 3 multiple choice quizzes.



15 hours
16 videos
3 multiple choice quizzes
5 thought experiments
5 podcasts
lecture notes
original sources

1. Foundations. Key terms. Epicurus. John Priestley. Bentham. Empiricism. Principle of Utility, hedonic calculus, quantitative/qualitative pleasure, Act & Rule Utilitarianism, Teleology, Consequentialism. John Stuart Mill.
2. Application. Act Utilitarianism, relative, consequentialist, egalitarian. Universalisation. Mill’s challenge. The harm principle. Social virtues, rules. Application to practical ethics including the drowning child by Peter Singer.
3. Evaluation. Robert Nozick, Philippa Foot, Bernard Williams, Louis Pojman, Lord chesterfield, Richard Brandt, Alasdair MacIntyre, Ruut Veenhoven.

Approx. 15 hours of guided learning with 16 videos, lecture notes, original sources, 5 podcasts, 5 thought experiments, 3 multiple choice quizzes.

Virtue Ethics

Virtue Ethics

15 hours

Aristotle. Nicomachean Ethics
Character-based ethics, purpose, function argument, eudaimonia, happiness,
Moral virtue, intellectual virtue, habit, doctrine of the mean. Excellence.
Application to practical ethics

Approx 15 hours of guided learning, part completed.

Applied Ethics

Abortion and the status of the Embryo

Abortion and the status of the Embryo

15 hours

Approx 15 hours of guided learning, part completed

  • Issues of human life and death
  • Embryo research
  • Abortion
  • Sanctity of human life
Animal Ethics

Animal Ethics

15 hours

Use of animals as food, intensive farming
Use of animals in scientific procedures cloning etc
Blood sports
Animals as a source of organs for transplants
Application of ethical theories
Core principles for decision making

Approx 15 hours of guided learning, part completed.

Business Ethics

Business Ethics

15 hours
10 videos
3 multiple choice quizzes
lecture notes
original sources

Section 1 Responsibility. Capitalism, shareholders, corporate social responsibility, Milton Friedman, whistleblowing, Norman Bowie, globalisation, stakeholder, Crane and Matten, Kantian and Utilitarian responses to CSR and whistle-blowing, consumerism. Adam Smith.
Section 2 Practice. The ethical challenges of globalisation. Alan Sugar – is good ethics good business? Application of Kantian and Utilitarian ethics. Andrew Crane, Dirk Matten, Alan Greenspan. Effects of globalisation. Norman Bowie.
Section 3 Case Studies and evaluation. Ford Pinto Case, Whistle Blowing case, The fall of Enron, Nike sweatshops, Union Carbide. Milton Friedman and the profit motive. Pepsi and use of aborted fetal cells.

Approx. 15 hours of guided learning with 10 videos, lecture notes, original sources, case studies, 3 multiple choice quizzes.

Capital Punishment

Capital Punishment

15 hours

Core issues
Application of ethical theories

Approx 15 hours of guided learning, part completed.

Environmental Ethics

Environmental Ethics

15 hours
1 guest lecture
lecture notes

The rise of consumerism, globalisation
The wealth of nations – Adam Smith
Circles of interest – examples. Deep ecology, shallow ecology
Different approaches: anthropocentric, earth centred, theocentric
Application of ethical theories

Guest lecture: Peter Baron. Environmental economics. The sad slow death of life.

Approx 15 hours of guided learning, part completed, Under Construction.




15 hours
12 videos
3 multiple choice quizzes
1 thought experiment
lecture notes
original sources

1. Section 1. The nature of life. Sanctity of life. Religious origins. Human rights. Quality of life. Kevin Smith, Jack Kevorkian, Hans Kung, Gregory Pence, John Glover. Personhood. Autonomy. Dignity. Palliative care. Active Euthanasia, Voluntary euthanasia, non-voluntary euthanasia. The Utilitarian Doctor.
2. Section 1. The Nature of Consent. Active/passive euthanasia. Helga Kuhse. Legal perspectives. Tony Bland. Act and Omission. The law of Double Effect. Dr Roni Rosenberg. James Rachels. RC Church response to Rachels. Non-voluntary euthanasia. Liverpool Care Pathway. John Glover, Peter Singer, the Alkmaar case.
3. Section 3. Evaluation. Fletcher, Assisted suicide, Slippery Slope, Christian views. Case Studies. Diane Pretty, Betty Rolin, Daniel James, Tony Bland. Catholic Euthanasia Declaration and Catechism, House of Commons Report on Euthanasia, AC Grayling.

Approx. 15 hours of guided learning hours with 12 videos, lecture notes, original sources, case studies, 1 Thought experiment, 3 multiple choice quizzes.

Sexual Ethics

Sexual Ethics

15 hours
11 videos
3 multiple choice quizzes
lecture notes
original sources

1. Section 1. The Ethics of Sex. Different views on Marriage Divorce and Cohabitation. Premarital and extramarital sex in Christianity. Divergent attitudes. Jordan Peterson. Bettina Arndt; The politics of cleavage. Lisa Smosarski, Tom paine, Lee Gatiss, Diane Abbott, Matt Walsh.
2. Section 2. Homosexuality and Christianity – divergent views and official teachings. Old Testament, Gareth Moore, New Testament, RC views, Anglican views, Methodist Church views, Desmond Tutu, Bishop Jeffrey John, Lee Gatiss, Michael Foucault.
3. Section 3. Application of normative ethical frameworks. Kant, Natural Law, Situation Ethics. Elizabeth Anscombe, The Hart Devlin Debate.

Approx 15 hours of guided learning with 11 Videos, lecture notes, original sources, application of Kantian and Utilitarian ethics, 3 multiple choice quizzes.

War Ethics

War Ethics

15 hours
lecture notes

The history of just war tradition
Jus ad bellum
Jus in bello
Geneva convention, proportionality, discrimination, collateral damage
Principle of double effect
Nuclear weapons
Application of ethical theories

Approx 15 hours of guided learning, part completed, Under Construction.




8 hours
13 videos
2 multiple choice quizzes
2 thought experiments
4 podcasts
lecture notes
original sources

1. Section 1. Classical religious approach, Augustine, St Paul, Aquinas’ approach. Ratio, synderesis, conscientia, vincible and invincible ignorance. Joseph Butler, Sir John Henry Newman, Different voices in the RC Church. Examples and case studies: Oscar Schindler, Rudolf Hoss, Adolf Eeichmann, James Keenan
2. Section 2. Freud and Conscience. The immature and mature conscience. Freud on religion. Other psychological views, Nietzsche, Eric Fromm, Jean Piaget, Kohlberb, Engler Carducci. Conscience and authority – Milgram.

Approx 8 hours of guided learning with 13 videos, lecture notes, original sources, 2 thought experiments, 4 podcasts, 2 multiple choice quizzes.

Divine Command Theory

Divine Command Theory

4 hours
1 guest lecture

Guest lecture
Professor Keith Ward, University of Oxford
Meta ethics and Divine Command

Approx 4 hours of guided learning, part completed, Under Construction.

Freewill and Moral Responsibility

Freewill and Moral Responsibility

10 hours
12 videos
lecture notes
original sources

Unit includes: The Case for Determinism, The Case for Freewill, The case for Compatibilism
The case for incompatibilism, Boethius’ dilemma, Lady Philosophy’s response, Calvin and Predestination, St Augustine and Predestination.

Approx. 10 hours of guided learning including notes by Professor Keith Ward with 12 videos, notes, original sources, extracts, stimulus questions.

Meta Ethics

Meta Ethics

10 hours
9 videos
2 multiple choice quizzes
2 thought experiments
2 guest lectures
lecture notes
original sources

1. Naturalism. Absolutism, relativism, Vienna circle Hume’s law, Thought experiments: The fat man in the cave, Ring of Gyges. The Naturalistic fallacy. In support of naturalism: Pope Benedict XVI, FHBradley, Philippa Foot, Peter Kropotkin. Challenges against naturalism: Hume, Mackie, Hare, Moore.
2. Intuitionism. GE Moore. Good as a simple notion. Prichard’s intuitionism. Ross’ intuitionism. Prima facie duties.
3. Emotivism. Ayer ‘boo-hurrah’. Hume’s fork. Charles Leslie Stevenson. Challenging emotivism: Alasdair MacIntyre, James Rachels, Richard Brandt

2 Guest lectures. Professor Keith Ward, University of Oxford
Meta ethics and Divine Command
Meta ethics and GE Moore

Approx. 10 hours guided learning with 9 videos, lecture notes, original sources, 2 thought experiments, 2 multiple choice quizzes, 2 guest lectures.