Section 1 The logical problem: David Hume, J L Mackie, The inconsistent triad, Stephen Fry, William Lane Craig.
Section 2 The relationship between the nature of God and the logical problem of evil. The Augustinian Theodicy and the nature of God. Evil a privation.
Section 3 The evidential problem of evil. John Stuart Mill, Dawkins, Fry. Hick’s Irenaean Theodicy.
Section 4 Gottfried Leibniz response. Can God permit evil to bring about good? Christian responses
Section 5 Augustine’s Theodicy. Evil a privation of good. Freewill defence
Section 6 Objections to Augustine – John Hick, Evil and the God of Love. The Freewill defence.
Section 7 John Hick’s Irenaean Theodicy (soul making), epistemic distance, eschatological verification.
Section 8 Evaluation of John Hick: Dewi Zephaniah Phillip

Approx. 20 hours of guided learning with 19 videos, lecture notes, original sources, 3 multiple choice quizzes