- Section 1. The Ethics of Sex. Different views on Marriage Divorce and Cohabitation. Premarital and extramarital sex in Christianity. Divergent attitudes. Jordan Peterson. Bettina Arndt; The politics of cleavage. Lisa Smosarski, Tom paine, Lee Gatiss, Diane Abbott, Matt Walsh.
- Section 2. Homosexuality and Christianity – divergent views and official teachings. Old Testament, Gareth Moore, New Testament, RC views, Anglican views, Methodist Church views, Desmond Tutu, Bishop Jeffrey John, Lee Gatiss, Michael Foucault.
- Section 3. Application of normative ethical frameworks. Kant, Natural Law, Situation Ethics. Elizabeth Anscombe, The Hart Devlin Debate.
Approx 15 hours of guided learning with 11 Videos, lecture notes, original sources, application of Kantian and Utilitarian ethics, 3 multiple choice quizzes.