1. Section 1. The nature of life. Sanctity of life. Religious origins. Human rights. Quality of life. Kevin Smith, Jack Kevorkian, Hans Kung, Gregory Pence, John Glover. Personhood. Autonomy. Dignity. Palliative care. Active Euthanasia, Voluntary euthanasia, non-voluntary euthanasia. The Utilitarian Doctor.
  2. Section 1. The Nature of Consent. Active/passive euthanasia. Helga Kuhse. Legal perspectives. Tony Bland. Act and Omission. The law of Double Effect. Dr Roni Rosenberg. James Rachels. RC Church response to Rachels. Non-voluntary euthanasia. Liverpool Care Pathway. John Glover, Peter Singer, the Alkmaar case.
  3. Section 3. Evaluation. Fletcher, Assisted suicide, Slippery Slope, Christian views. Case Studies. Diane Pretty, Betty Rolin, Daniel James, Tony Bland. Catholic Euthanasia Declaration and Catechism, House of Commons Report on Euthanasia, AC Grayling.

Approx. 15 hours of guided learning hours with 12 videos, lecture notes, original sources, case studies, 1 Thought experiment, 3 multiple choice quizzes.