This set of lessons will help you to understand how beliefs about God have changed over time. We will study the causes for changing ideas and evaluate the significance of similarities and differences in beliefs.

This section will take you from the earliest ideas in the Bible right through to modern ideas about God found, for example, in Liberation Theology and Process Thought.

Remember that exam questions may span more than one topic.

Christian ideas about God have influenced individuals, communities and societies for thousands of years, so a good grounding in this unit will help you to think outside of the box for great essay writing, but it will also help you understand the world in which you live.

  • The emergence of Christian monotheism in the Bible
  • God as Trinity
  • God as wholly simple, transcendent
  • God as immanent and personal
  • God as Love
  • God in Liberation Theology (preparation for Christianity and the challenge of secularization; social relevance of Christianity)
  • God in Process Theology