Section 1 Responsibility. Capitalism, shareholders, corporate social responsibility, Milton Friedman, whistleblowing, Norman Bowie, globalisation, stakeholder, Crane and Matten, Kantian and Utilitarian responses to CSR and whistle-blowing, consumerism. Adam Smith.
Section 2 Practice. The ethical challenges of globalisation. Alan Sugar – is good ethics good business? Application of Kantian and Utilitarian ethics. Andrew Crane, Dirk Matten, Alan Greenspan. Effects of globalisation. Norman Bowie.
Section 3 Case Studies and evaluation. Ford Pinto Case, Whistle Blowing case, The fall of Enron, Nike sweatshops, Union Carbide. Milton Friedman and the profit motive. Pepsi and use of aborted fetal cells.
Approx. 15 hours of guided learning with 10 videos, lecture notes, original sources, case studies, 3 multiple choice quizzes.