Section 1 Ontological Argument classical: Anselm, Proslogion, The Fool, Gaunilo

Section 2 Ontological Argument Modern: Descartes, Kant, Bertrand Russel, David Hume

Section 3 Cosmological Argument Classical: Aquinas, Hume, Kant.

Section 4 Cosmological Argument contemporary: Leibniz, Russell & Copleston, Hume, Kant.

Section 5 Teleological Argument: David Hume, Analogy, Paley’s Watchmaker analogy

Section 6 Teleological Argument Contemporary: Behe, Intelligent Design, Anthony Flew, Wisdom’s parable of the Garden, John Stuart Mill.

Guest lecture Professor Tom Greggs, The ontological argument.

Approx. 30 hours of guided learning with 20 videos, lecture notes, original sources, 7 thought experiments, 6 multiple choice quizzes 1 guest lecture.